Neth Green

The best greenery renovation for your garden
Neth Green Landscape Architect & Plant Pathologist
Lit up yourself with a blooming garden
Quality indoor and outdoor plants
Feel the life in a fresh air
The finest to your doorstep
The best greenery renovation for your garden
Neth Plant Landscape Architect & Plant Pathologist
Lit up yourself with a blooming garden
Quality indoor and outdoor plants
Feel the life in a fresh air
The finest to your doorstep

Welcome to Neth Green

Welcome to the website of Neth Green, where you can browse hundreds of quality indoor and outdoor plants. Also we offer a range of professional services namely garden design, plant recommendations and plant pathology. Neth Green also provides services including plant delivery, courier, and posting to your destination. We also provide expertise in consultation for your new garden or renovation of your existing garden. We offer tailor made solutions to your gardens. We recommend economical and low maintenance alternatives for busy people, who maintain their own gardens.
If you need a quick dress up of the garden of a property before putting it into the market, we are always here to offer advice on the best possible options. We specialize in uplifting the interior environment of a property. We provide a wide range of indoor plants, great interior ideas and caring tips to bring life and colors to your home and office.
If you are looking for a particular plant, which not in our catalogue, we can find it for you or recommend a great substitute. Due to our client oriented services and the great range of plants we offer, we are becoming the preferred supplier to landscape professionals and other buyers including wholesale and retail. We have become the popular supplier of plants in South East Melbourne and beyond. We solve your problems and help you to turn your space beneficial and beautiful. For more information regarding our plants and services, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are always with you, so that you are never alone in your plant journey.

Our Happy Clients!

" Thank you Neth for being a very genuine and professional seller. My 2 X Jujube Li trees are now shooting the new growths. Highly recommended"
Olly Kiettipipat
" Yes! Always amazing to come and visit (not on lockdown) specially exciting when you arrive on re-stock day! Had delivery on order made last week, quite prompt and very pleasant to transact and correspond with! "
D.j. Sy Beng
" Every time we get good plants for good price. Pics are from last year purchased red climbing rose "
Sathi Bambarandage
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