Neth Green

Advanced Cherry Trees


Cherry trees are fast becoming one of our most popular fruit types.
They are certainly one of the most luscious of all fruits to grow for yourself – a very rewarding fruit tree to grow.

Sir Don
It has a semi-upright growth habit and bears large dark red to black skinned sweet cherries. The heart shaped fruit is suitable for eating fresh, jams or preserves.
Sir Don is a self pollinating variety,

The best flavoured cherry bearing extremely sweet juicy fruit. Can be kept to only 3 metres high with fan training and it will still drip with clusters of almost black fruit with deep red flesh.

rich red cherry that helps to extend your cherry harvest, ‘Lapin’ fruits two weeks after ‘Stella’. Perfect for high summer
Bigger cherry

It produces large, heart-shaped cherries with red, almost black skin.
The dark red flesh is firm and juicy with excellent sweet flavour. While it is considered self-pollinating,

Royal Rainier’
An excellent, sweet, white-fleshed cherry with very good flavour. A new blush-style cherry, recently released to Australia.

Advanced trees
Mature & instant effects
Comes in a 35 cm pots
Price $68 each


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