Neth Green

3 Way Grafted Fruit Trees
Fleming’s Bare-Rooted


Multi-grafting for a variety of fruit is a creative way to have several varieties produce on the same tree.
These are sometimes referred to as “fruit cocktail” trees. Like the 3-in-1 apple tree

Currently available varieties

‘3 way Apple Crim.Crisp- Pixie Crun -Will.Pri, Trees

‘3 way Apple ‘Gala’-Pink Lady-Red Delicious, Trees

‘3 way Apple ‘Gala’-Pink Lady-‘Red Fuji’, Trees

‘3 way Apple ‘Gold.Del.’-‘Granny-‘Jonathan’, Trees

‘3 way Plum ‘Flavor Sup’-‘Mariposa’-‘Santa R’, Trees

‘3 way Pear ‘Bosc’-‘Packham’-Williams’, Trees

Multiple grafted 3 way
Price $70 each


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