Neth Green

Grafted Citrus Trees


Citrus trees like mandarins, orange , lime and lemons can be grown in pots or your garden and require year-round care to keep them looking good and growing well.
When in bloom, citrus tree flowers produce a beautiful scent.
The best reason to grow citrus trees is all year cropping with asthmatic values.

20 cm pots $35 each
25 cm pots two way grafted $75 each
( two varieties on same tree )

Available varieties

20 cm pots

West Indian lime $35
Japanese seedless mandarin $35
Thornless ‘ lemon’ $ 35
Cara cara $35
Washington Nevel $35
Minneola Tangelo $35
Seminole Tangelo $35

25 cm pots

Ruby Red ‘ Grapefruit ‘ $45 each

2way citrus 25 cm pots
Lime ( Tahitian & Kaffir ) $75
Mandarin ( imperial & Emperor)$75

Pick up or delivery from Dandenong or Clyde


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