Neth Green

Dwarf Apple Trees


Dwarf Apples
Pinakabelle, Granny Smith , Gala, Red Fuji

Great size batch

Dwarf Leprechaun™️’ (PBR)
A true dwarfing ‘Granny Smith’ tree. A small rounded tree, bearing crisp and juicy full size fruit, excellent for cooking or eating fresh. H :2m -2.5m W : 1m at maturity
fruiting : Late April (Late Season)

Pinkabelle ®️
A dwarf variety of Pink Lady that produces delicious full sized apples with white flesh that is crisp and juicy.
H :2m W : 1m at maturity
fruiting : Late April (Late Season)

Semi Dwarf Apple Red Fuji
Medium sized round fruit with red striping on skin, It is firm, crisp and juicy with a sweet flavour.
H: 3m at maturity
Late February (Early to mid season)

Semi Dwarf Apple Red Fuji
Medium to large round fruit with red skin that surrounds crisp, firm and very juicy flesh. This variety is mostly eaten fresh and has a delicate sweet flavour.
H: 3m at maturity
April (Mid to late season)


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